The G.N.T association's vision

The G.N.T non-profit organization creates, runs, and disseminates rehabilitative and educational programs based on bodywork. The unique programs enrich and empower participants, providing them with life skills that influence their physical, emotional and social well-being in fascinating nonverbal ways.

G.N.T mission is to empower participants by teaching awareness with practical tools, effecting vitality, resilience, learning, creativity, confidence and the feeling of self worth.

Our professional staff identifies and analyses Israeli social challenges in areas in which we can create impact with developing body, soul, and consciousness work programs and frameworks. 


The activities take place on three levels:


A range of body awareness, dance, and movement programs for rehabilitation and empowerment, each including counselling and therapy components run by professional teams. The programs can be held country wide. We offer unique workshops combining guided imagery, meditation, movement, dance and consciousness in the G.N.T model.


A variety of dance styles (ballet, modern, hip-hop, tap, contemporary, jazz, etc.), body classes (yoga, tai chi, meditation, etc.), and awareness workshops, that are taught at different levels, in the unique enabling, empowering, and community-oriented professional integrative G.N.T centers – Studio 6.


Programs which combine various disciplines involving body, mind and soul, on topics of gender, empowerment and health. These activities include experiential learning and enrichment programs for schools, after school lessons, workshops, and lectures including educators, teachers and parents training in the G.N.T. model of work. Body, mind and soul for independent use in the classroom, clinic, after-school, work, home, etc.

Studio 6, the GNT studio founded in Jerusalem in 2006, implements the G.N.T philosophy as a tool for personal development, empowerment, and rehabilitation. 

Board Members:

Ms. Sara Weiss, Esq.- Chairman of the Board

Mr. Eran Ruzievich

Ms. Idit Rubin

Ms. Laura Gilinski

Ms. Jane Turner

Ms. Chana Goldberg

Yael Turner-Grossman, Founder and CEO

Suzi Holzer, BSW Manager of Rehabilitation section

Naama Goldberg-Cohen, Manager of Education section

Maya Hemed, Project manager